Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The Gifted and Talented Seminar 1 class has just begun a unit on Ethics. First, it was necessary to define values, morals, and ethics. After we came to a conclusion and agreement on what the differences are among these three things, we took a values survey to determine what our values are.

 I am fairly content with my results. They were:
Honesty, Integrity
Religion Spirituality
Family, love, emotional security
Fulfillment, Intellectual and Vocational achievement
Personal freedom, Independence

 I believe these results reflect me fairly well. I don't know if i've said it before but i do not believe strongly in tests that classify you. They don't take into account that all people are unique, but i digress. I was always taught that honesty is the best policy... and even if i didn't think it was the best it was a better policy than the belt so i told the truth. I have carried on that value into my adolescence and intend to keep it until the day i stop walking this earth. I am also a Christian Baptist and making time for God is one of my top priorities. I want to provide the best life for my family possible and be a good husband and father. I want my life to have meaning and i want to reach fulfillment in every aspect of my life. My independence is my greatest gift and privilege and thats how i will treat it, as a privilege. 

"Quote of the Day",    "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...(whole poem)... i took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference" -Robert Frost

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