Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Terri Schiavo, A bioethics case study...

Terri Schiavo's case was a very famous and contreversial situation that had most of America picking sides. Terri Schiavo had a fit of cardiac arrest caused by her bilemia which caused her to be hospitalized. She soon began to lose brain functions and slipped into an irriversible coma which required her to have a feeding tube and other life support options. This is where it gets contreversial, Mr. Schiavo, her husband, who is her legal guardian decides he wants her feeding tube removed. End of story right? Wrong. Her parents and siblings want the feeding tube left in. This spawns a "war" between people who want Schiavo alive and those who want the feeding tue removed. This got the Florida governor and the president involved. Eventualy the feeding tube was removed and Terri Schiavo died. 

   I believe that the right decision was made. At that point i believe that Terri was no longer "human" she was not even "living" in my opinion. IAlso Mr. Schiavo legaly had the right to make the decision.

1 comment:

  1. Justice, you are missing outside sources (research) to support your claim. Also, your summary leaves out certain key events from the timeline.
