Thursday, September 29, 2011

KIndegarden Debate OR Acumulative Advantage

           I believe that either side of the argument have valid points but that Malcom Gladwell's opinion is more accurate. When a kindergardener is put into school later than his or her peers for the purpose of being ahead of them maturity wise the action is often misinterpereted as innate talent. They are then placed in honors programs and A team sports programs, ergo the younger, less mature, and possibly innateley talented are decided to be mereley average and do not get the nurturing and positive environment that they would benefiet from. Now fast forward 8 years.

          Those children who were put in the honors classes and A team sports programs now are at the top of their classes, the starters on their sports teams, and have the best oppritunities going into high school. Why? Why is it that because they were a year older than everyone else they have so much more of an advantage now. They are now in 7th or 8th grade and in 2cnd and 3rd grade they were put in rogate or the A team for sports. In 5th and 6th grade they were presented with more oppritunities. In conclusion there are only 2 words accumulative advantage.

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